6 Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips for Winter

In winter we spend a lot of time indoors, where the dry air also dries out our skin. With our Ayurvedic skin care tips for winter we’ll teach you how with the help of massages and fragrant oils you can keep your skin healthy and glowing.
6 Ayurvedic Skin Care Tips for Winter

The for winter typical combination of indoor heating with dry air and cold weather outside often inevitably leads to dry skin. That’s why a healthy skin care routine is even more important during the dark months of the year. With our 6 ayurvedic skin care tips for winter you skin will stay soft, smooth and full of life. 

1. Give Yourself an Oil Massage 

Can you start your day better than with a warm oil massage? Abhyanga or self-massage with oil is an ancient practice that helps warm the body by improving circulation and provides wonderful support to reduce stress, soothe the mind, provide moisture and protection to the skin, and many other benefits!

You can use sesame oil, olive oil, or any warming massage oil before the morning shower.  

2. Use Warm Water and Soaps Wisely

The next of our 6 ayurvedic skin care tips for winter is to make sure that the water is not too hot, when you wash your face or take a bath.  because hot water dries out your skin. too hot. Use soap only in areas where it is really needed. Too hot water or too much soap can remove remove important and necessary oils from the surface of the skin.

Also consider which kind of soap you put your skin in contact with. It is important that it consists of nourishing and gentle ingredients. Check out some  ayurvedic products , if you do not have the right soap, our oil at home.

3. Take Care of Your Scalp

While dandruff can be a sign of a form of fungal disease, in winter it often just indicates that your scalp is dry. This is why wearing a hat outdoors is also important. A very effective ayurvedic skin care tip for winter is to give yourself an oily head massage 1-2 times a week, before washing your hair.

This oily hair and head massage replenishes the dehydrated scalp and the hair follicles. Argan, olive or coconut oil can also be used. Depending on the length of the hair, warm up one or two tablespoons of oil a little bit and then distribute it from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Massage the skull and the earlobes with our fingertips.

Apply the oil at least 20 minutes before washing your hair, but you can also leave it in overnight. Just put on some kind of cap or wrap to avoid stains on your pillow. Through the increased warmth the oil is also absorbed better by the hair. Before washing your hair, you may want to use a dry shampoo that absorbs the oil.

4. Don’t Forget About the Soles of Your Feet

Your feet carry all your body weight and carry you faithfully through life, so they certainly deserve a little care too! 

Put lavender or rosemary oil in a tub with warm water and let your feet relax in there for 10-15 minutes. Then scrape off the dead epithelial cells from the heel with a pumice. Massage the soles with a little sesame oil and put on a soft sock.

This is a great bedtime routine as it helps with a relaxed sleep. Oily foot massages are also recommended for young children, as they help them to calm down and relax.

5. Take Care of Your Facial Skin

The use of oils is very popular in Ayurveda, where they are used to refill the balance of the skin and epithelial cells. When washing your face, avoid a lot of soap because it dries the skin excessively.

Drip a tea tree oil cleanser onto a damp cloth or cotton swab. Apply this wet-oily pad all over your facial skin. Then use sesame or olive oil for hydration. Massage gently into the face, around the eyes.

cutting board 6 ayurvedic skin care tips for winter


6. Bring Ayurvedic Food Into Your Meals

This might be the most important one of our 6 ayurvedic skin care tips for winter. After taking care of your skin on the outside, don’t forget to take care of it from the inside too. Cells are built from the nutrients in the food we eat, so your diet plays an important role for healthy hair and skin.

According to Ayurvedic teaching, in winter it is important to feed the internal digestive fire. (Agni – The third of the five elements in Ayurveda: the element of fire; the principle of transformation; the fire of digestion, which is responsible for digestion, absorption, and assimilation; which transforms food into tissue, energy, and consciousness.). The following foods can help you with this:

– Warm soups, fried vegetables, chili and ginger

– Legumes also provide adequate nutrients during this period.

– Turmeric and cinnamon are also great spices that and you can find them in golden milk.

Make Ayurvedic Skin Care a Daily Habit

These “self-care” ideas can be incorporated into our everyday lives, just like we can develop a new habit  to follow a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

New habits and daily routines bring health, vitality and balance to our lives. The right daily routine – be it an oil massage, proper nutrition or exercise –  gives us a foundation for our day as well as for our whole life and lets us move in the right direction towards restoring health and mental balance. 

The concept of a daily routine is at the heart of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, although everybody has a different routine, rhythm and recipe. But there is a general guideline which gives you an idea of which dosha we belong to based on our shape and characteristics. You can also do an online test to find out which element dominates us.

Based on the result, you can find more information on which food you should eat and which lifestyle you should build. But our 6 ayurvedic skin care tips for winter are equally suited for everyone!  


It is important to use good quality oils in all cases.

For the essential oils, always use 100% natural ones!


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