Ayurvedic Cooking – Easy, Healthy and Delicious

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian alternative medicine system puts great emphasis on eating what is healthy for your specific body type. According to Ayurvede, the food you eat can, depending on your dosha, greatly influence your physical wellbeing. If you want to give it a try, this is how to easily include Ayurvedic cooking for every kitchen.

Ayurveda – The Three Doshas and Body Types

Our physical world is made up of the well-known 5 elements, which are water, fire, air, earth and ether. The knowledge of Ayurveda is not that widespread yet. It helps you to know the logic behind a cure, so you can easily understand the signs of your body. Let us introduce you to the Ayurvedic body types and their three doshas.

Crash Course on Ayurvedic Food

The only way ayurvedic food is otherworldly is because of all the health benefits you end up with. Here is our Crash Course to get you up to speed about the basics of this diet.