Processing Traumas with Yoga

In everybody’s life there may happen unexpected and severe events that we may be unable to process and that have an impact on our daily lives. Long-term symptoms can occur, which can last for years. This post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects everyone differently, with lasting effects on the nervous system. However, processing traumas is possible with the help of yoga. Let's see how…

The Positive Effects of Yoga Mudras

Using yoga mudras can improve our health and well-being. This is because this "finger yoga" allows us to turn inward and recharge our energy levels. Discover these spiritual hand gestures and the positive effects of yoga mudras with us and add some to your next practice! 

Goat Yoga: Crazy but Extremely Cute!

There seems to be no limit to yoga variations today. The newest and at the same time very cute craze, Goat Yoga, is already conquering America. The Yogayogi team is totally there for it and we thought you should see this too…